App Explainer Video

Best App Demo Video Examples

App Explainer Videos

App explainer videos are a great way to promote your startup platform on phone app. There is no better way to do that than by creating an app explainer video. Even the marketing teams in the most prominent companies like Spotify, Facebook, etc., are constantly finding ways to target the audience in unique and creative ways.

A dull portrayal of your software can cause it to fail to attract any customer base regardless of how amazing it is. Be creative in experimenting with new innovative ideas to make one of the top animated marketing videos.

Software Marketing

The best way to market software is by highlighting your product with video. Recent trends have removed all doubts that video content is the most compelling content to grab the attention of your audience. Take a look at the results from this HubSpot survey on consumers’ content preference.

Software Explainer Videos

Software Explainer Videos

Imagine you are scrolling down your timeline, and you find an eye-catching video or an explainer video. Most probably, you will continue watching the concept of the video. When it comes to creating a video for your brand, throwing in graphics and animations is not enough. The best animated videos are elaborate and easy to understand.

However, it is natural not to know where to start. That is when you can get some help from other sources. Here are some software explainer video examples that can help you in understanding the concept:

Explainer Video Examples

Below, you can find 20 inspirations to create the best graphics video for businesses. You can use them as inspiration for creating your own motion graphics video. You can also use these types of videos to promote your business and to convey your message in a compelling way.

Check out the most viewed content on YouTube, and make them part of your video content strategy. You can also find other video sites like YouTube where you can post your video content.

1.    Ablii

Ablii is the perfect example of how to craft a software-oriented explainer video. Creamy Animation‘s impeccable visualization and professional narration make the video highly engaging. However, the best aspect of the video is how it does not rush. Instead, it allows you to understand bank reconciliation and data entry are easier than ever.

2.    Dropbox

Dropbox’s 2D animated video is one of the top animated videos. It explains how Dropbox can help you in bringing together your tools, content, and team. Additionally, it shows what tasks you can perform on their user-friendly platform. The idea is simple and catchy.

3.    Zendesk

Zendesk Sunshine is a customer relationship platform. In the video, the music is upbeat with animation and real-life clips blending in, creating a soothing mood for the audience. The animation and explanation are aptly relevant to the target audience. That is why this video is in our list of top animation videos.

4.   Aherfs

Animation can attract more engagement from potential customers, as the software explainer videos are more eye-catching and easily understandable. This animation video is beautiful, which gives a clear idea about the software and its purpose.

5.    PandaDoc

You can see another great example of a top explainer video in this animation of PandaDoc. It explains how this software is a solution to sales documents. The elements of this video blend well with a voice-over explaining how PandaDoc can help in creating documents.

6.    Spotify

Spotify’s video explains how to use Spotify Studio Ad to create an audio ad for artists. It is a non-fancy and to-the-point animation. The simple concept of this video has earned it a position in our list of best animation videos.

7.    Duolingo

The effective approach of this video is making this in our list of Top explainer videos. These types of videos are also helpful in engaging the audience as people can relate to the person explaining the product.

8.    Hubspot

HubSpot is a platform for inbound marketing and helping businesses to interact with their customers. And this video explains how you can grow better by providing excellent service to your customers by choosing HubSpot

9.    Tripcase

Tripcase is the travel partner software that helps you manage your traveling activities. This attractive technology video smoothly highlights all your issues while traveling and shows you how to solve these issues with only one software.

10.  Fiverr

Fiverr highlights the importance of using them for tasks you can outsource to freelancers. You can see how this funny and easy-going video grabs the attention of viewers so that they can easily get the concept in a fun way.

11.  Google

Google marks its place in our best software videos by sharing an emotional bond of an older man who is using little help from them, in remembering precious memories about her wife. The video explains how easy it is to remember things with Google.

12.  MailChimp

MailChimp helps in marketing your business with ads, emails, and can track your marketing activities. The video is beautifully bright, creative, and highlights the features through which MailChimp help its customers.

13.  QuickBooks

QuickBooks is accounting software that helps you manage your business inventory, accounts, transactions, and activity. In this video, they  explains how they help any business by allowing it to connect its banking and business details to manage taxes better.

14.  Speakap

Speakap helps businesses in communicating with their colleagues on one platform. The video explains what problems businesses face while communicating with their employees. It also demonstrates how the software can resolve communication problems and grow business.

15.  Moz

Moz is directing its audience to its community. The message of the video is clear and straightforward and reflects all the essential points in understanding Moz. The video is a top software explainer example as the concept is to the point and simple for viewers to understand.

16.  Text Me Up App

The video highlights the simplicity of calls and SMS. This technology video gradually introduces the exciting features that the application supports, which aims to create interest in the audience.

17.  Asana

Asana helps you in managing your company’s team with tasks and projects. These types of animated videos are beneficial for the audience to understand as it explains and shares possibilities of using the software with voice-over and visual representation.

18.  Braintree

The video explains how you can connect your business to the world and exchange payments through the software. This in-depth animated video makes it hard to understand the process in a natural way. Brain tree helps you with payments worldwide so that you can create higher conversions.

19.  Chatbox

Chatbox helps you connect with your customers in a friendly and easy way. The video pinpoints the communication problems that businesses face. Also, it explains how Chatbox can help businesses communicate easily, which can eventually help with business growth.

20.  AbaNinja

AbaNinja is software that facilitates business in sharing digital copies of invoices and other data with accountants. AbaNinja explains in this video how it can facilitate businesses in scanning and sharing their documents.

app explainer video


If you want to spark interest in your audience to buy your solution, you should spend time to create a software explainer video. Sometimes, people do not consider your product only because they do not understand its value and that is the missing link you can work on with a compelling explainer video for your software.

Motion Graphics