Technology Business Videos –
How To Make Your Own

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Technology Business

Many technology businesses consider themselves savvy in the ways of making ones and zeros work to their advantage. And rightly so. After all, they are in the realm of technology. However, a significant number still ignores the value of implementing video production in their marketing efforts.

According to 2020 marketing stats, data and trends compiled by Hubspot, 13 percent of industry professionals don’t use video marketing. Given the number of companies out there, this percentage accounts for a large number of companies. Read on to find out how you can make video animation elevate your technology business.

Technology Business

YouTube video marketing is on the rise since it has given marketers a great alternative to television Ads. While TV ads have ruled the industry for decades, today’s audiences now turn to the internet to find what they’re looking for.

A short 30-second spot on national TV may cost you tens of thousands of dollars. Investing in an animated explainer video to promote your business allows you to reach global audiences, on a smaller budget. YouTube advertising has evolved from being merely a promotional tool to a full-fledged platform to showcase your business to a global market.

How to Leverage Video Marketing

With the way the industry is set up, you’ll find out that your business isn’t the only one offering the tech solutions that you are peddling. Although it might look like the market is saturated, there are always niches that you can attack and finally grow to take on the entire industry.

To sound clear and true from all the white noise, you need to know how to use video production to your advantage. Below, we examine some of the ways you can use video marketing to catapult your tech business over the competition.

Check out the most viewed content on YouTube, and make them part of your video content strategy. You can also find other video sites like YouTube where you can post your video content.

Video marketing

Inform and educate your audience about your product

Don’t assume that your target market knows what you’re offering. It’s your job to explain to them what exactly you do and what you have for them. Furthermore, you need to tell them how your product can improve their lives. If you’re a B2B outfit, let your target business executives know what your tech product can do for their business in terms of streamlining or improving their bottom line.

Let’s take the example of Empowered Startups. There are several incubators and accelerators courting entrepreneurs with promises of showing them how to grow and expand. To stand out from all these, Empowered Startups hired a video animation company to craft content explaining how their platform works to connect startup founders to mentors and administrators to give them a hand. All this on an intuitive and all-encompassing platform.

Take a look at the video.

Leverage Video Marketing

Per global trends assessed by Hubspot, more than half of consumers prefer video content. And what does this have to do with social video? Well, Animoto backs up these claims with their Social Video Trends: Marketer Insights 2020. According to this report, 93 percent of brands acquired a customer because of a video placed on social media.

The top 3 social media platforms championing the use of  software video marketing are Facebook, Youtube and Instagram. Take online talent solutions platform Upwork as an example. The company’s Youtube page has several videos that explain how the platform works for freelancers. Additionally, it also shows businesses how they can take advantage of the platform to find the talent they require.

In this 30 second video, they explain what exactly a business is getting from them.

Present extraordinary and imaginative videos

Your business isn’t the only one that has latched onto video as a way of soaring above the rest of the competition. You, therefore, need to find a way to make the videos depicting your business stand out. If they are the usual mundane and run-of-the-mill videos, they won’t make an impression on your target audience.

No sooner will they click out of the video and shortly after they will forget the name of your tech company. Embrace creative, quirkiness – anything to make you stand out. A competent video animation company can bring this idea to reality. Sticking with our Upwork example above, you can see the technique that the video production company used. The constant reveals by the sliding wall and cubicles catch one’s attention. That makes the content memorable and the audience is more likely to engage with it.

Video production

Make your emails and newsletters more effective

Although newer forms of video marketing like social media have largely overshadowed the more traditional forms, the latter still has some advantages. Sending emails and newsletters to potential customers can also net you several clients. However, to make this work in this overly digital era, you can engage the services of a video marketing agency. They’ll help you to incorporate video into your email marketing campaigns to increase their value.

Video animation in marketing is more engaging than plain old text. With a minuscule motion picture in your email or newsletter, you’ll have a higher open rate as well as click-through rate. Animated videos increases your chances of converting. Below, we take a look at an email sent by Hubspot, a marketer for inbound marketing software products. Instead of using drab text to describe how to become an SEO expert, they opted to use a video. The description is also done by a senior executive, giving it the clout it needs to drive the point home.

Tech video

Use video testimonials

One of the best ways for someone to give your product a chance is if they hear from someone who has already used it to good effect. According to the Nielsen Global Trust in Advertising Survey, 70 percent of consumers trust reviews and opinions posted online. Additionally, Vendasta states that 88 percent of online consumers hold reviews and testimonials in high regard when it comes to making a purchasing decision.

In other words, using testimonials to vouch for your business will influence consumers to take on your tech product. It is usually prudent to have these video testimonials right on the homepage of your website. Better yet, you can hit two birds with one stone by incorporating the testimonial videos as social media postings. In this way, they can be shared over and over through the various social media platforms. This is essentially digital word of mouth. Working with a video production company ensures that you have high-quality video content, building more trust in your offerings.

Unbounce is a Vancouver-based tech company and video marketing agency that helps digital marketers reach their preferred audience. On their Youtube page, they have some testimonials of clients who have successfully used the platform. In one particular testimonial, a marketing executive from Procurify – a Vancouver-based SaaS – explains how Unbound helped them create successful bespoke marketing campaigns.

With this handful of ways to use video marketing and production, you can elevate your tech business to stand head and shoulders above your competition.

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