Cartoon Animation Maker

Cartoon animations that engage and captivate your audience

We make animated cartoon videos with immersive storytelling that’s engaging and memorable

Cartoon Animation maker

Cartoon Animation Production

Cartoon animation videos play a pivotal role in telling stories that break cultural barriers and transcend generations. We work with organizations in technologyhealthcareB2Bnonprofitsstartups, and more.

Character Animation for Sales Videos

Character animation for sales videos help businesses boost their lead generation and boost sales. Character animation for sales video is a great substitute for live action videos.

While some may think that cartoons are not serious enough for business, our list of corporate animation videos is a great example of how animated cartoons can be effective sales tool.


Robot Breakfast – Ai Tech

Disability Rights Oregon

Assurance Wilson

EZ Pet

Dairy Farmers of Canada

New Gold Inc.


Cartoon Startup Video – Agot Ai


Business Cartoon Video – TestBox


Cartoon Advertisement – MMC


Cartoon Marketing Video – ME Company

Motion Graphics

Cartoon Animation Maker that Stands Out

Goal-Driven Approach

At Creamy Animation, all our processes are driven by your needs, goals, and objectives. Although we bring lots of suggestions and recommendations to the table, we understand that our ultimate goal is to help you meet and exceed your objectives. This objectivity ensures all projects run on time and on budget, and outcomes are aligned with objectives and goals set at the start of the project.

An Effective Process

Over the last 12 plus years we’ve developed and polished our production process. We understand that you’re relying on out team to make animated cartoon videos that will deliver the results you need. We ensure we have done our due diligence, including conducting thorough research and understanding all aspects of your project. When we send you a proposal, you know it is the best you can get anywhere.

High Quality Videos

Making videographer cartoon videos is both an art and a science, and it takes time to master both approaches. Creamy Animation has years of experience creating cartoon animations for a wide range of clients, including startups, enterprises, universities, and government agencies. When you work with us, you gain access to a talented, experienced, and highly diversified team of professionals working towards one common goal: your success.

Animated Characters for Business

Cartoon Animation Maker

Infinite Customization

Videos that use the cartoon animation style can be customized to fit even the most detailed requirements. Since cartoon videos are animated videos, they are not bound by the same constraints that live-action videos have, like location, talent, and, you know, the laws of physics.

This infinite customization capability comes in handy when creating unique and memorable marketing videos that your customers will love and share.

Cartoon Animation

Flexible Storytelling

Through flexible storytelling, cartoon videos can bring any concept to life. Do you want to set your video on Mars? Done! Or perhaps give characters superpowers? No problem! With cartoon marketing videos, the only limit is your imagination.

No matter your idea or concept, we can bring it to life using cartoon videos, allowing you to tell your story exactly how you see it in your mind.

Cartoon Video

Centralized Production

Cartoon animations are relatively easy to make because we do not have to scout for locations, carry around heavy equipment or wait for perfect weather. Centralized production makes cartoon videos an excellent option for customers who want a simpler and faster video production cycle that still delivers exceptional results.

Talk about the perfect video marketing medium!

Business Cartoon

Easy to Share Content

Animated cartoons are very brandable, making them an excellent choice when it comes to sharable branded content. Whether you want your video to have prominent or subtle branding, cartoon videos are easily customizable to deliver easily shareable branded content that drives results.

Also, since cartoon animations are often psychologically and emotionally appealing, most people watching them will not mind sharing them.

Animated Cartoon

Cost Effective

Branded videos can be pretty dry and dull, especially if the message is complex. Cartoon videos use creative storytelling to turn even the driest subjects into exciting and engaging stories.

No matter your brand, product, or service, Creamy Animation can help you use cartoon videos to create engaging narratives that capture your audience’s attention, driving your message home. Check out our production costs guide for more info.

Animation Video

Launch New Products

Animation cartoons offer a powerful medium for introducing new products, services, or a rebrand. Since such messages need to make a big first impression, a well-thought-out creative cartoon video can do the trick.

We can help you develop a unique and captivating cartoon video concept and bring it to life, so your new product, service, or rebrand makes the front page of your customer’s attention.

Animation Videos

Boost Brand Awareness

Other marketing media like text and images can appear generic over time, unable to cut through the noise and stand out from the competition. Cartoon videos are an excellent way to drive brand awareness efforts.

Use formats like cartoon video series and animated cartoon strips to keep the brand fresh and relevant while holding the attention of customers and audiences through engaging narratives.

Animation Videos

Explain Complex Ideas

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then a cartoon video is worth ten thousand, sometimes the number of words needed to explain some complex concepts. Explainer videos use flexible storytelling to break down difficult concepts into bite-sized stories.

Let us help you distill your story into a set of easily digestible cartoon videos that will educate and entertain your customers.

Explainer Animation

Share Short Tutorials

Customers already love video, so why not turn that long tutorial into a fun, engaging, and educative cartoon video? While some customers read through text tutorials and how-tos, most just want a quick video overview to start with.

At Creamy Animation, we enjoy helping customers turn tutorials and how-to content into cartoon videos that increase content uptake and generate better engagement results.

Animation Videos

Support Sales Teams

Sales and marketing can always do with another effective tool in their ROI toolbox. Cartoon videos make excellent support marketing collateral for e-book marketing, email marketing, social media marketing, and advertising.

By working with the team at Creamy Animation, you can quickly outsource cartoon animations for video ads, animated landing pages, and more.

Cartoon Animation Use Cases

Branded Video Series

A branded animated cartoon video series creates central characters that engage in an ongoing narrative around a brand, product, or service. Branded series are often used to tell a complex story or unpack a dense set of details without overwhelming the audience. Businesses can also use this type of use case to boost brand awareness through an ongoing cartoon strip that entertains while promoting brand awareness. 

Cartoon Animation Maker

Service or Product Overview

Trying to explain a product or service in words can sometimes lead to oversimplification, especially when trying to do so in brief. With cartoon animated videos, you can focus on showing and not just telling. Creamy Animation can help you use business cartoon videos to present your product or service in a simple, entertaining, yet memorable way that makes it easier for your customers to understand the value you are offering. 

Cartoon Video Demos

Product demos can be the difference between a successful sale and a lost sale. Cartoon videos use creative and flexible storytelling to provide interesting, engaging, and educative walkthroughs of a product or service. Creamy Animation can help you complement your more extended demo with a short cartoon video overview to make it easier for your customers to understand your offering. 

Cartoon Videos

Corporate Cartoon Videos

Companies use corporate cartoon videos to communicate their vision, culture, and internal news to both employees and prospective customers. In some cases, they may also animate customer testimonials. Creamy Animation works with corporates to create animated corporate videos that tell a compelling story and establish an emotional connection with their audiences.

More Use Cases

Tutorials and How-to Videos

Cartoon animation tutorials and how-to content utilize cartoon characters to explain, educate and inform in an interesting, engaging, and effective way. If you plan a series of tutorials, cartoon videos make it possible to develop teacher characters as a cost-effective and customizable approach that fits any scenario in the series.

Cartoon Explainer Videos

Cartoon explainer videos use characters to explain a concept in a storytelling format. Since most people relate to a person or avatar explaining a concept, cartoon characters are a powerful tool in conveying a message effectively. In the narrative, the characters can emulate or embody the idea, showing the viewer what it means through a combination of actions, speech, and supportive visuals.

Cartoon Animated Documentaries

Documenting an event or series of events in real-time can be difficult and expensive. Business cartoon videos make it easy to create a replica of the actual events with cartoon characters playing the roles of human characters. Whether the animated documentary is a behind-the-scenes business story or a sweeping story covering a humanitarian event, Creamy Animation can help you recreate the events as they happened using cartoon videos.

Marketing Collateral

Promotional videos, animated landing pages, video ads, social media posts, and emails are excellent opportunities to leverage the power of cartoon videos. With flexible storytelling, customizability, and emotional appeal, Creamy Animation’s cartoon video services help businesses create a wide range of unique, customer-focused marketing collateral that evolves with customer needs.

Who Should Use Character Animation


Entrepreneurs like startup founders often need to explain abstract-seeming ideas and concepts to prospective investors, partners, employees, and customers. Cartoon videos make it easy to do this. Creamy Animation works with entrepreneurs to rationalize and distill business ideas into bite-sized marketing videos that tell a powerful and convincing story.

Large Enterprises

Enterprises can use cartoon videos to tell internal and external stories like corporate culture stories, customer testimonials, and company overviews, besides customer-facing marketing collateral. Leveraging cartoon videos’ flexible storytelling and easy customizations, Creamy Animation works with enterprises to deliver professional yet compelling stories that capture and retain attention.

Learning Institutions

Universities and colleges can benefit from the simplicity and effectiveness of cartoon videos to reach student bodies. Creamy Animation provides higher learning institutions with a wide range of options to create educational, informational, news-related, and marketing collateral cartoon videos through a cost-effective cartoon animation production process


Government agencies relying on limited resources can utilize cartoon videos to deliver impactful messages without spending a fortune. Cartoon videos provide the flexibility and creative license to tell a wide range of narratives to reach different audiences effectively. Working with Creamy Animation, government agencies have a reliable partner they can rely on to deliver exceptional results. 


Inventors often need to communicate a novel idea in a way that most people can understand. Cartoon animations offer an excellent medium to express such concepts in a simple, engaging yet effective way. Creamy Animation works with inventors to distill their concepts and ideas into compelling stories that audiences can understand and connect with emotionally. 

NGOs and Charities

NGOs and charities play a critical role in society and require effective means of communicating with stakeholders, supporters, and customers. Cartoon videos offer the creative flexibility necessary to deliver cost-effective yet impactful messages to different audiences. Creamy Animation can work with your NGO or charity to understand your ideas and bring them to life in the eyes of your target audiences. 

How Can You Leverage Cartoon Videos?

Animation Video

Emotional Appeal

Everybody loves a good story, and cartoon videos excel at making it possible to tell a good story. With relatable characters and well-defined storylines, cartoon videos enable brands to create compelling narratives that generate an emotional response from audiences. Whether you want to publish a corporate branded video or a cartoon documentary, Creamy Animation is on hand to help bring your ideas to life.

Animation Videos

Add More Context

Context is sometimes the only way to communicate the meaning and value of a concept. Cartoon videos combine creative flexibility, endless customizations, and compelling storytelling to make it easy to add context to even the most complex concepts. Creamy Animation helps brands use cartoon videos to communicate simple and complex concepts memorably and cost-effectively.

Animation Videos

Memorable Experiences

Cartoon animations create interesting and memorable experiences for audiences due to their flexible storytelling and customizable nature. Businesses looking to create a fresh take of their messages will find cartoon videos offer a medium adaptable to any message, idea, or concept. Work with Creamy Animation to discover how your brand can create memorable audiovisual experiences with cartoon animations.

Explainer Animation

Common Video Style

Live-action videos come with a long laundry list of requirements: location, talent, equipment, transport, and more, which can quickly add up to tens of thousands of dollars in production costs. Cartoon videos are more cost-effective because they can be produced with people in multiple locations, making them an ideal solution for customers with a limited budget.

Explainer Animation

Easy to Customize

Since they are highly customizable, it makes them the perfect medium for videos that need to meet high editorial standards. Customers who choose animated cartoon videos benefit from easy and fast customizations that mostly do not significantly impact the overall project budget. Creamy Animation provides extensive customization options for your cartoon video, so the final cut meets your expectations.

How to Make A Cartoon Animation

Establish Your Goals

As a top cartoon animation maker we’ve polished our process over the years. We start with setting the goals for your project. As part of this step, we ask you to fill out a questionnaire in detail, telling us details like what ideas you have, how long you want the video to be, etc. We might contact you for more information after submitting the questionnaire, but it’s just because we like being crystal clear about your requirements and expectations.

Identify Your Audience

Your audience matters a lot when making cartoon videos, which is why we invest time in understanding your target audience and defining ideal personas. This step is crucial because it ensures the approach we choose to make your video fits your target personas and will result in an emotional and psychological connection with your brand. 

Production Planning

The planning stage puts together the concepts, storyboards, characters, mood boards, and more. At this step, we also start putting together the story arc for your cartoon animation, including defining the hero, the journey, the challenge, the inspiration, and the solution. Clients play an integral role at this step as they provide vital input in establishing the creative basis for the video. 

Story Development

It’s story time! At this step, we create the story that your animated cartoon will tell, integrating your core message within a creative context. Since the cartoon characters will be telling this story, we also do character development, so the story resonates with your audience, and the context fits their narrative. At this step, we also finalize the character sketches and storyboards.

Cartoon Video Creation

Lights, cameras, action! Well, there are no actual lights or cameras, but there is lots of action. At this stage, we record voiceovers, animate the video, edit it, and add sounds and music. We send you versions of the video throughout the production process to get your feedback. When your cartoon video is complete, we send you the publish-ready version plus all the raw files.

Launch and Measure Results

Once your cartoon animation is complete, you can launch in on video websites like YouTube. Use video metrics the platforms provide to study view counts, measure video engagement and other stats to help you understand how your video is performing. With this information you evaluate the effectiveness of your videos and continuously improve the quality of your videos. Need a cartoon video maker that delivers? Request a free consultation.